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BIM can be used to evaluate the feasibility of renewable energy systems. It can be used to determine whether a particular site is suitable for the installation of solar panels or wind turbines by modeling factors such as solar exposure, wind speed, and shading.
Our company applies ESG sustainability principles in its operations. Based on fundamental ideas of quality corporate governance, we have developed an ESG strategy that takes into account social and environmental risks and opportunities, enhancing business value and sustainability even in highly volatile market conditions. We actively integrate ESG into our operations, contributing to the achievement of global sustainability goals and addressing the country's current social and economic development challenges
Sustainable development is about using resources without compromising future generations. When linking sustainable development to construction, one of the main focuses is structural efficiency in order to minimize environmental impact and maximize economic benefit.
Using BIM Proper information processing and well-managed digitalization of construction processes can advance all areas of sustainability.
BIM allows you to anticipate problems by recognizing the behavior of a building before it is even built. The designer creates energy-efficient buildings with a healthy indoor climate, increases the productivity of future users, and minimizes the cost of possible changes later in the project. Once the building is in operation, BIM can monitor and verify that everything is working as planned.
BIM can identify accidents early in a project, minimizing the cost of damage repair and providing a safer environment for builders.
BIM allows the client and contractor to coordinate cost planning, design, construction and production simultaneously. This minimizes waste, prevents order overruns, and conserves natural resources.
BIM improves energy efficiency by identifying areas to reduce consumption. For example, BIM can be used to optimize a building's daylighting. By modeling different window locations and orientations, BIM helps you find a configuration that retains the most daylight while minimizing solar heat gain.
BIM can also help select building materials with less environmental impact. By evaluating the embodied energy and global warming potential of different materials, BIM can help you choose products with a lower environmental impact.